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"Everybody in this country planet should learn to program a computer create a web application, because it teaches you how to think"- Steve Jobs -

Fullstack Developer One of the most lucrative and and in-demand specializations is web development. Being a full stack developer, you'll be able to dabble in any part of the web development process and manage website architecture as well as database operations.

What you will do? Students in our web development specialization will use web frameworks such as Flask and WebPy to build real-time applications for the online world. They'll also dive into client-side programming using Javascript, that is one of the top languages used between programmers all over the world. And finally, web development wouldn't be complete without learning a couple of nifty HTML5 and CSS tricks to design beautiful and interactive websites.

What you will learn? In this course you'll learn to build industrial websites and web apps using all kinds of technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Node.js, MongoDB, GIT, Google API's, and Amazon web services.

Why you should learn? we live in the age of the internet, with billions of web pages being visited every single day, so don't miss out on this chance to make your mark. websites have become a part of our identities as individuals and the voice companies, big and small. their are a platform to express oneself for the entire world to see. equipped with these skills, you can go very far in this world. in this advanced course, you will take your web development skills to another level, enabling you to build a website on your own from scratch.

"For Courses to Make the Web"

Backend Development

Back-end development involves programming servers, applications and databases. these serve as the building blocks of any application. Some essential back-end tools are jQuery, Python, WebPy, Flask, and mongoDB. more

Frontend Development

Front-end development involves the usage of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop and create dynamic web content. It also involves the creation of a suitable user interface that requires creativity and web design skills.


Websites are prone to hacks, viruses and malware which is why it's very important for developers to be familiar with web security protocols, standards and SSI. Web security can be increased by using Side Server Includes (SSI). more

Cloud Services

Cloud services allow web developers to compute information and provide data storage services via the Internet. Kidocode provides up to 5GB of free storage for our students on our own servers, so student can create freely without hassle. more

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