personal learning system

Parents often complain about how kids don't pay as much attention to their schoolwork, and rather play games or that they've lost interest in core subjects like math and science. Concerned parents often blame it on child's interests or their inability to keep up with studies. However the real problem lies in the way our education system teaches each individual student. Every student is unique and has different preferences, passions and interests. A standardised model of education follows a very reductionist approach to learning. Each student is expected to fit one size and does not allow for individual creativity to flourish.

Educators have stressed the need for personalised learning system since ages, they realise that the proper way to maximise each student's potential is to individualize their education pathway according to their pace and interests.

A personalised learning system of such capabilities was difficult to develop as society did not have the logistics for it. Fortunately it is now possible with technology, with the help of AI we have now been able to develop softwares that uses algorithms to determine a user's pace, interest, and preferences using the data collected via a user's online activity. This ensures that the system completely understands a student's needs and problems.

"want to know more?"

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is a personalised, customizable and smart learning system that makes use of artificial intelligence and softwares to individualise learning according to each student's preferences, pace and abilities more

Special Kids

Parents who have children with special needs are often very doubtful of the right education plan for them as they have trouble fitting in at a regular classroom. Personalised learning system solves this problem.

Game Addiction

Being a parent in the age of technology brings with so many challenges that people in 80s did not grow up with. One of the latest challenges in modern parenting is dealing with growing game addiction among young kids and teens.

Self Learning

The internet contains billions of resources for students to learn almost anything for free. But the power of knowledge lies with the people who know where to look for information.

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This personalised learning system is revolutionising the current culture of education, as it shifts away from teacher-centred classrooms to learner-centered environments and it is more than just giving more control to the learner themselves. A PLS is tailored to each individual student, it provides them what they need to master a subject at just the right pace and with just the right kind of help.

For instance, for a student who is gifted, the system will provide them more with thought inducing challenges on a topic to geer their interest and less with mundane tasks they have already mastered. This avoids repetition and keeps the student in line with their interest. On the other hand, a student who is more of a visual learner will be provided with visual aids for learning concepts and a student who is a slow learner will be provided with more tasks for the same topic to make sure they have enough time to digest and learn at their pace.

To summarize, PLS tailors the curriculum, and the learning environment to the aspirations of a learner where education starts with the student and not the teacher. Students realise how they learn best and start taking responsibility for their learning. It also allows them to find their own resources for learning and in turn, develops self-learning and self-monitoring skills among students.

Thus the ultimate goal of this system is to move away from the traditional, standardised education model and move towards a more holistic approach that motivates and engages learners, and ultimately leads to significant improvement in outcomes of education, such as reducing student drop-out rates; improving academic performance, increasing student engagement and lastly, create knowledge workers for the future economy.